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- «c1»By Punisher/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c2»This is an interview with a Czech scener called Lahve, and he is a member
- of Reason and Scoopex. Throughout the last two years, this man have proven
- to be a very good swapper and a creative person in general. Most of you
- should know him for his pack, Sabotage, and his group, Reason. Although
- you may have spoken to him, I'm sure that there are a lot of things you do
- not know about him. In this interview, I will give you a different aspect
- of Lahve, so that you will get to know him better.«»
- «»
- Please welcome one of the most active sceners in 2001, «c7»Lahve of Reason..«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: As always with these kinds of interviews, I would like to start with
- asking you to tell the readers some information about yourself as a
- person. I'm sure they all are wondering about your real name, in which
- country you live and maybe some words about your current work status?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: I'm respecting your text layout, am I doing that correctly? Heh, okay. Only
- a few words to bring this interview out of too serious spirit, you know.
- Okay, so my real name is Radek Hrdlicka. Hrdlicka means turtle-dove in
- english, just to let you know, there isn't so many people knowing that ;).
- So it cannot means "hard licka" as some people call me, heh.. I'm living in
- Czech Republic, the country in the center of Europe between.. oh, let's hope
- people have enough geography knowledge. There was an Amiga scene in the
- past too, but suddently, after Commodore bankrot people saw a future in PC
- machines. There aren't so many sceners left here, sad but true. About the
- work, now I'm an unemployed guy, I finished my civil service a few months
- ago, so now I'm looking for some job. Great time to make some letters for
- my friends, am I right? ;)«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: As you wrote, you are currently living in the Czech Republic. How do you
- find it living in this country? What is your opinion about the European
- Union and politics in general?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Heh, better to know first that I'm an anarchist, so my answer about
- politic should sound strange for some people but let's see.. living in
- Czech isn't as an eating a honey, we have very bad economic and bad politic
- caused by classic Czech behaviour "steal what you can do now, afterwards
- should be too late", our politicians are Czechs too, so you should imagine
- how they solve some problems. Anyway, I cannot say I'm not fine, but it's
- all because I still live with my parents and all problems will come later
- when I'll live alone. This time I'm fine enjoying the life... let's say,
- I'm morbidly optimistic, all problems are flowing through myself. I don't
- like to speak about politic because I don't care about that. Having some
- experiences with Czech politicians and being anarchist, you'd rather vomit
- when you see what happens here, but you're a small guy to change it all..
- simply, I don't like politic at all so much. EU is a bit interesting idea,
- but today I think people cannot join together because of their different
- mentality, different history etc. In this case, I don't believe to this
- project, people should help each other whenever they want, no need to be a
- member of EU. Also, EU will push us to the limits they need. I'm afraid this
- project has been built to get a LOT of money to the man on the top, I don't
- believe people should work for this idea all their life without to get some
- money. Anyway, it's not so good feeling to enter the EU and then lost their
- currency, history of it, all price will be changed and people will be
- confused, I'm sure. In short, EU is good project thought up in the wrong
- time.«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: What kind of music do you like listening to? Do you mostly enjoy straight
- forward modules on the Amiga or do you listen more to traditional music?
- I just have to mention that I've seen pictures of you wearing a "The
- Exploited" sweater. Are you dedicated to this kind of punk music?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: It's all the evolution. As the man grows up, his music taste is changing
- aswell. First time, when I was sixteen, I liked disco as many people did.
- Later I fell in love with punk style (when I was twenty I think), but later
- I started to like techno stuff, drum'n'bass, triphop, jazz... simply
- more electronic music. I don't know why I left the world of guitars, maybe
- because I like to hear some new sounds which computer should play without
- any problem. Doing electronic music mean to use new samples, you think up
- the new sounds, you make new styles without any names etc. Today I like
- this electronic stuff, it doesn't matter if I'm listening that on computer
- or live, all these electros are doing on computers. To be honest, I'm
- really exacting concerning the music and I always necessitate to hear pure
- originality, some ideas inside, evolution tendences... who cares about the
- same "tuc-tuc-like" music? When you saw me with Exploited sweater, I was
- very young, heh. Now I respect this kind of music, I visit some punk
- concerts sometimes etc, but I prefer the style I talked about before.
- Anyway, I always like a girls dressed in a punk style with piercing on
- their body... yummy yum! Delicious ;)«»«c6»
- Punisher: Well Radek, now let us go over to some more scene related issues. Maybe
- you could write something about how you decided to become a part of the
- scene, and also what attracted you to it?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Gee, it's really hard to answer. How should I describe the feeling, the
- function system of the scene, friends inside, all works for free,
- groups-system, changing the members... Scene is really great and useful
- game, but when all ends for them, there are many talented people prepared
- for their real job. Scene is a game prepares you for reality. Although scene
- has own rules and although I'm an anarchist, the rules are only etic. When
- you have an etic behaviour inside you, you don't need to know any scene
- rule. The system depends on a human behaviour, nobody should be enriched by
- this. It's real working anarchy. All these things fascinated me, still
- fascinates me and will always fascinate. Do you know about some similar
- great system like demoscene is? I don't. You work for it, you're a part of
- friendship and it's a fun. All what young man should have.«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: When did you first join the scene?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: May, 1998. When I didn't know what scene is, I started to do my own
- diskmag. I really don't remember how I got this idea, maybe I've seen some
- diskmag somewhere. I gave it "Top Secret" name and I filled that by some
- articles written mainly by me. I spreaded that using floppies to some people
- I knew (gee, now I realized I swapped and I didn't know that! ;)). Later,
- some guy with strange handle Hologram wrote me back he liked my mag and he
- want more. In one of his letters he told me to attend some small Amiga
- party. It was my first meeting with a real scener. I always thought sceners
- are old men, computer maniac, wearing in black jackets and dark glasses,
- heheh... I never realized some sceners were younger than me! Hologram told
- me about the scene, about all fun you could have there etc. He was my
- teacher. A few days later, on different party, we met a famous Czech
- scenegroup named Vertical Syndicate and then Hologram, me and my friend
- Dizzy formed Horizontal Lamerz, as a friendly different side of Vertical
- Syndicate. From this moment, I entered the scene as an editor. When time
- passed, I became a webmaster, organizer, swapper, asciimaker and packer.«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: Please write something brief about your scene-career so far. Maybe
- something about your functions, previous groups and other interesting
- stuff?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Ah, it's very long story. I started to be fascined by other scene
- functions, so I decided to swap a bit. I started to love it of course! Then
- Hologram gave me a leadering of Horizontal Lamerz, so I became an organizer.
- Then I tried to make some asciis (not so good idea to try it IMHO) and I
- also tried to form own group Reason with my friend Godjr I met on IRC
- in the begin of 2000. Later I've been joined in Madwizards but I had to left
- HLA, so I gave leadering to Bolda/HLA. Now I've left Madwizards for
- Scoopex. During all my scene career I always did
- webpages for HLA or Reason because I hate old pages without regular
- uploadings or unactual stuff. I think it's enough, I think I did many things
- during three years, didn't I? ;)«»
- «c6»
- Punisher: You are famous for a pack, namely Sabotage. How did you get the idea of
- starting such a project?«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Jonas, don't call it famous. Sabotage is known for swappers only, the rest
- should heard about that at least, but never seen it. Main idea to do some
- pack came when I reminded the videoclip Sabotage by Beastie Boys and I
- decided to use this name and make some dark atmospheric pack for swappers,
- it could be a work I should really love. I was tired to be dependent on
- someone else, I wanted to make my own pack I will care about. I also formed
- some rules for me: pure quality music originally made for Sabotage,
- different tunes in every issue, originally introscreens, a bit more regular
- releasing and mainly: spreading by snail-way only. I knew one thing: people
- will love it or hate it, nothing between that. Rules are really hard for
- someone, but it's only way how to do really quality and respected pack. If
- I'm successed or not, it's upto our readers. It's always easy to ask some
- really famous musician and use some unreleased tune from him, but more
- harder is to persuade him to make original tune for me! Then, Sabotage is
- more valuable for me. Sabotage is also a bit elite pack, I choose quality
- musicians only, but not elite as we know: arrogant behaviour. Elite pack in
- the sense of quality! Sabotage is only something different, but it's really
- risky to do something like that. People should be raging on you because of
- the spreading way, because of you don't want to use their tunes because you
- want something better etc. Sabotage is giving me new experiences with
- collecting and kind of stuff, also with communication with supporters and
- my own success. It is really great feeling to get some support from my
- scene gods like xhale/dcs, dipswitch/dcs, zaac/mankind or mrk/limited
- edition, all originally made for our pack.«»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: In a short time, you've become a well known swapper. What do you think
- about this way of communicating, and what do you see happening to this
- scene-job in the future? «»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Ah.. again.. Very known.. okay, some people know me, but there are better
- swappers in the scene, do you know, Punisher? ;)) It's not so hard to be
- good in swap, all you need is to be friendly and work, work, work, work,
- without any delays. It's not hard, I'm always friendly and peaceful man and
- I hate lazyness. That's all. What am I thinking about the swap? It's
- old-school thing as pixeling is, but in the best sense of word. Swap is a
- tradition of the scene but it's pushed away by modern communicating ways
- just like e-mail is. Some people want to use more modern ways without some
- stupid damaged floppies, some people want to keep tradition with all these
- things around, with all damaged disks, signatures on the disks and covers,
- envelopes, stamps cheating.. It's only a question of time when people
- recover totally unpersonal letters sent as e-mails. E-mails are fast, it
- means you'll send them often, it means you'll never write some long letters
- inside, it means you'll bore yourself etc. When you add that magic of
- envelopes arriving into your postbox... we all know it, swappers :). Hm,
- maybe I'm a bit old-school, but it's just good for swapping ;). «»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: Name a few people that has meant a lot to you in your scene-career, and
- why.«»
- «c7»«»
- Lahve: Hologram who bring me in the scene, Horizontal Lamerz because of my scene
- beginning and friendship, Vertical Syndicate was always the sign of
- friendship and I always respected them all, Reason gave me real scene
- feeling, Zito/RSN+DKG brought me in the swap scene, you and Zerox for real
- friendship I never know before, Madwizards members and Azzaro for showing
- me real scening and quality of demos and many, many people I would like to
- thank for, but it will be really long list. Please don't hate me if I
- forget you, reader, there were a lot of groups and people inspired me and
- still inspires. Respect you all and the whole scene! «»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: When you are playing games on your Amiga (if you play), which games are
- most often loaded?«»
- «c7»«»
- Lahve: These days I like all games which fully use 060, but I always love classic
- Amiga games from Bitmap brothers (Chaos engine I., Ruff'n'Tumble), Team17
- (Body Blows, all Aliens, Superfrog), Microprose and their Civilization,
- LucasArts with Monkey Islands, Adventure soft's Simon the Sorcerer etc etc.
- To be honest, I don't play so much nowadays, but if I have some games, I
- play those ones I've described here now. «»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: Do you think Amiga is a great machine for games? «»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: I think Amiga is great machine for the games I prefer, adventures with
- hand-drawn graphic, 2D beat'em up, logic and strategic games. 3D games are
- cool to play sometimes, but I have more fun with old Superfrog than with
- Quake for example. I wish to have more 2D games, I'm boring to see
- everything remade to 3D (Simon the Sorcerer 3D, Monkey Island 3D, Lemmings
- 3D... damn, people, fun is more interesting than third dimension!). Let's
- write truth here: is better to look at some beautiful hand-drawn and smooth
- graphic or do you prefer to look at 3D cubic figures without any plastic
- surfaces? Looks ugly, I think. «»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: Name your favourite scene-country, and please tell me why you choose these
- countries! «»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: I like Norway for many friends being there, I like behaviour of these
- people and the nature they all take care about. Also I like Poland for so
- active and talented demosceners, I think polish people will never leave
- Amiga. I also like Denmark for Loonies, Scoopex and Iris, Germany for
- Mekka&Symposium etc. Hard to say. «»
- «»
- «c6»Punisher: If you went out with a girl, and she was very beautiful, and she told you
- to stop scening. Would you do it or not? (I know this is a lame question)«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: Heh, nope. It's interesting problem. I think I would never love the girl
- who will make me limited. But when I'll really love her, I will promise her
- to stop scening and continue with my works in secret ;). I'm sure I will
- never totally stop scening, I'll be always interested in new demos or new
- arts although I'll be old guy. Scene is the thing you can never forget. I'm
- happy to live with the century of computers, when you can always tell your
- child: "look at this, boy! This is demo has been made by group under
- organizing of your father!" ;) Still better job than to watch bloody movies
- in TV and kill other people. «»
- «c6»Punisher: Then, I will thank you for answering my questions! Take care my friend,
- and good luck!«»
- «»
- «c7»Lahve: I thank you too for this opportunity! It's my first released interview.
- Keep scening!!«»
- «e»